No matter the type of flooring you have in your home, maintenance is essential. Whether it’s using a mop, broom, vacuum, or a special product that helps to keep floors looking their best, you likely don’t want to spend countless hours cleaning. However, cutting corners or neglecting it altogether can cost you in the long run. To ensure that you keep more money in your pocket, here are three mistakes you’ll want to avoid when it comes to cleaning your floors.
Not Following Instructions
When navigating the grocery store aisles looking for household cleaners, you might assume that they all work the same way. Whether you have carpet, hardwood, laminate, or vinyl, there’s really no reason to worry that you’ll mess something up, right? Wrong! Each floor cleaner is different and requires that you follow the instructions to get the maximum results. No one wants to look at their floors after cleaning them to see soap build-up or that they look dull instead of bright and shiny. This is why it pays to spend a few extra minutes reading through the instructions to ensure that you do what is right to keep your floors looking their best.
Using Abrasive Products
Floor cleaning requires knowing which products are appropriate and which ones you should stay away from. Abrasive chemicals can cause significant damage to your tile or hardwood. When it comes to shopping for the right cleaner, make sure that you read the labels and avoid harsh, abrasive products. Try to find ones that are made specifically for the type of floor you have in your home. Of course, if you have hard surfaces throughout your house, you can always opt to use a mixture of water and diluted vinegar, as this is known to clean floors in a pinch.
Not Paying Attention to the Vacuum Settings
When living with carpet throughout your home, you’ll discover that dirt, debris, and plenty of foot traffic can leave your floors looking dull and dirty. This is why vacuuming is a pivotal component of any good household chore list. But before you flip the switch to start cleaning, you need to make sure you have it on the right setting. With carpet, using a low setting will allow the vacuum to reach down deep into the material to pull out pet dander and dirt, while hard surfaces may benefit from a high setting that won’t leave scratches behind.
Don’t assume every cleaning solution is made to work the same way. Taking the time to purchase the right products and use appropriate techniques, your home’s flooring will look and feel its best for years to come.
About the Company
Prestige Floors is a small, family-owned and operated business based in Keller, TX. Their husband-and-wife team, Benson and Ashley Kelly, has been improving and transforming homes since 2006. With years of experience and an eye for design, their team is trusted, bonded, and offers only the very best flooring for eager homeowners. If you are interested in discovering the best way to maintain your floors, contact us at (817) 988-2083 to schedule a FREE in-home estimate.